ZWO ASI290MM Mini Monochrome Imaging Camera
One of the first Mini Cameras that ZWO designed for astrophotography, this ASI290 Mini includes a Sony IMX290/IMX291 1/3" sensor (5.6mm x 3.2mm). Pixel size is 2.9 µm x 2.9 µm with a pixel array of 1936 x 1096. This camera features 12-Bit ADC and a QE peak of more than 80%.
ASI290 Mini vs. ASI290MM
The ASI290 Mini is lighter and has a smaller outlook than the ASI290MM. It is also capable of reaching focus at the same position as the eyepiece.
Astrophotography Performance
For planetary imaging as well as guiding, the ZWO ASI290 Mini Camera is a fine performer. Low read noise, high dynamic range, a QE peak over 80%, and AR protective window, are among its highlights.
USB 2.0 and ST4 Ports
ZWO Mini cameras feature one USB2.0 type C port. Type C ports are optimally suited for mobile phones as the positive and negative sides of the adapter are not important. The ST4 port connects the ASI290 Mini directly to a mount's autoguiding port.
High Sensitivity
When designing the ASI290 Mini, ZWO considered sensitivity to be of utmost importance. Being able to look for a guide star is essential. So when they were first starting out, ZWO thought to use a monochrome sensor to design their guide camera since mono sensors have much higher sensitivity when compared with color sensors. ZWO ultimately decided to go with the 290 and 174 monochrome sensors which have a QE peak of approximately 80%, detecting a larger number of stars in view. In addition, guiding shortens exposure time.
Precise Guiding
Made for precise guiding, the ASI290 Mini contains 2.9 µm pixels for a higher arcsec per pixel than either the 224 or 120 series cameras. This means the ASI290 Mini can detect even more negligible star movement in the same guide scope. This camera can enhance guiding precision over the 120mm by about 30%.
Main image depicts the ASI290 Mini Camera from two different angles. This product is for one camera only.